

Solid Waste Station (Change in Schedule)

    Sunday – Wednesday – Friday

   from 8 AM to 3:30 PM

Community Land Use Planning Committee (CLUPC) Membership

Tohatchi CLUPC Membership will require a letter of interest to the Chapter President.  The purpose of the CLUPC is to develop and approve the processes of local land use plan, oversee land use planning activities.

  • Each CLUPC Member shall serve for two years from July 2024 to September 2025.
  • Must be a registered voter of Tohatchi Chapter.

For More Information, Contact Tohatchi Chapter (505) 733-2845


Navajo Nation Election/Tohatchi Chapter – 2024 Chapter Official Candidates Primary Election –

Date:  Tuesday, July 30, 2024 from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM